Game development
with Godot for children
What is Godot?
Godot Engine is a completely free game engine for 2D and 3D game development.
Who is suitable for the class?
We recommend those who are already familiar with the basics of programming, but want to try game development and move on. The student must have a good command of Python or JavaScript.
What do we do in this course?
- Learn a powerful modern language GDScript, which is based on Python.
- We will learn how to use the Godot game engine.
- Create a solid base for game design and development that will help create your own games.
- In advanced levels of the course, learn how object-oriented programming works in practice.
- We will create several game projects.
Result after passing:
Knowledge of GDScript, the ability to solve advanced programming problems, and the ability to create games of simple to medium complexity.
How long will the course take?
Based on the estimated amount of material, the entire program can be completed in ~40 two-hour sessions and reach the independent development of their own simple games: this number is for advanced students who do homework and are ready to understand the material. For the average student, the number is higher – about 70-80+ two-hour sessions.
Technical advantages of Godot:
- The program weighs only ~60 mb and runs as a single file + there is an option to use the engine on Steam. Steam has a lot of people, so it’s very convenient.
- No problems working in Windows, Linux, MacOS X
- You do not need additional programs for development (a separate map editor, etc.)
- Works even on very weak computers
- There is a visual editor, animation editor, tiles, instancing, etc..
- Its own programming language, which is based on Python, but better (and much easier than C#, Java or C++)
- Support for the Russian language (and many others)
- Projects can be exported to almost any platform (except consoles)

Is it promising to study Godot?
There are several jobs on the market right now where familiarity with Godot is a big plus. Not surprisingly, since it is a full-fledged game development engine, which in many points is not inferior (and sometimes even superior) to such leaders as Unity and Unreal Engine.